Common Search Template Errors | Google API Errors
In Hoot Monitor’s Search Templates tab, you can see any Google Ads errors regarding your template’s ads by clicking the triangle with an exclamation point next to your template.
These errors are generated by Google and do not come from Hoot.
Google Error Response | Error Path | Value | Considerations |
A policy was violated. See PolicyViolationDetails for more details | mutate_operations.ad_group_criterion_operation.create.keyword.text | This will display the text associated with the error. | This error is received because a keyword violates a Google Ads policy. The most common causes for this error are the keywords “Sonata” and “RX” which are words related to prescription drugs, which Google has strict advertising policies about.
To fix this issue, you may be able to appeal the policy decision. Here is Google’s documentation on appealing disapproved ads: |
Assets are duplicated across operations. | | No Value | This error is received when a headline or description, including alternates, is used twice in the same ad. | | |||
Customizer attribute name is invalid.
| | This will display the value associated with the error. | This error will show when you are trying to use an ad customizer, but your Google Ads account is not set up to recognize the attribute name. If the attributes are missing, you can upload your RSA Ad Customizer Feed to Google Ads. Here is our documentation on scheduling that feed: Responsive Search Ad (RSA)- Ad Customizer Setup | Step 2: Scheduling Your Hoot Feed With Google Ads | | |||
Keyword text has too many words. | mutate_operations.ad_group_criterion_operation.create.keyword.text | This will display the text associated with the error. | Keywords can have a max of 10 words and 80 characters |
Keyword text should be less than 80 chars. | |||
Keyword text has invalid characters or symbols | mutate_operations.ad_group_criterion_operation.crete.keyword.text | This will display the text associated with the error. | Certain characters are prohibited from being used in keywords- Some of the symbols that can't be used in your keywords or negative keywords are: , ! @ % ^ () = {} ; ~ ` <> ? |
The ad customizer syntax used in the ad is not supported. | | This will display the text associated with the error. | To fix this error, make sure you are using the RSA ad customizer format, which looks like: {CUSTOMIZER.min_price:DefText} |
The error code is not in this version | | This will display the text associated with the error. | This is usually related to ad customizers that have not been set-up inside Google Ads. The template will fail to push ads because Google is trying to validate the feed or the dynamic attribute. |
The input string value contains disallowed characters. | | This will display the text associated with the error. | To fix this error, make sure your ad copy and paths do not contain any prohibited characters. The character that caused this error may be visible in the “Value” column next to the error. |
This operation is not allowed because the resource is removed
| mutate_operations.ad_group_operation | This will show the resource that has been removed | This error can occur when a change is trying to be made to a campaign, ad group, or ad that is no longer active. Make sure the campaign you are trying to change or use is present and active in Google Ads. |
mutate_operations.ad_group_criterion_operation | |||
This request would exceed a limit on the number of allowed resources. | | ENABLED_RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_CREATIVES_PER_AD_GROUP | This error can occur when the limit of 3 RSAs per ad group is exceeded. To fix and prevent this error, make sure your ad group is segmented as far as it needs to be for placeholders in your ad copy to have only one value. For example, if you are using the [trim] placeholder, make sure your ad group name contains [trim]. |
This resource has been disapproved since the policy summary includes policy topics of type PROHIBITED | | CAPITALIZATION
| To fix this error, remove any ad copy from your template that is in all caps. For auto templates, if you do not see any copy in all caps, preview your vehicle feed and see if any makes or models are pulling in with all caps. If this is the case, please create a support ticket. |
Too long. | | This will display the text associated with the error. | In Google Ads, headlines can only be 30 characters long, and descriptions can only be 90 characters long. Sometimes when using placeholders such as [make] and [model], the ad copy will exceed the character limit when those placeholders are filled in.
To prevent and fix this error, you can set up shorter, alternate ad copy for the template to default to when this happens. Scroll to the bottom of your ad in the template, and click “Show Alternate Fields”. This will show additional boxes for you to enter the alternate ad copy. |
Data Errors
Data errors occur when a value is empty in the inventory feed, yet a placeholder is trying to pull that value. The attribute name will show which placeholder is being used, and the empty values count will show how many empty values are in your inventory feed. You can preview your inventory feed by pressing the “Preview” button inside the auto template, under “Template Information”.