Pre-Build vs. Auto Templates

Pre-Build vs. Auto Templates

Pre-Build vs. Auto Templates


Auto Templates source data like make, model, trim, year, and other attributes from site specific values that are scraped daily and stored in our active database. Auto Templates are processed daily immediately following inventory processing, updating new and/or edited structures directly into Google Ads by Hoot.

Prebuild Templates source data from a self managed vehicle library. This library consists of make, model, and trim values that the pre-build templates will use as reference points when creating campaign files. The user-created templates build out campaign structures only when exported based on the segmentation choices made within the campaign structure. The .CSV file is then uploaded using Google Ads Editor and campaign content is then managed directly within the Google interface. Bulk changes can be made but this requires a manual export of a new .CSV file from the Hoot interface and uploaded via Google Ads Editor.

*By default this library is designed to be self managed. However, Hoot will make database changes to the source library 2 times a year. If a client wishes to publish those changes and alert them of the updates, the client must subscribe to the library.

Hoot Functionality

Below is an overview of Hoot’s inventory process. Please note that pre-build and auto templates process differently but each performs a final destination URL verification that is the ultimate validation of ad group status. Even if there is inventory, if the final URL returns no inventory we will pause the ad group.

We run multiple servers so many advertisers will run in tandem with each other but the below process is always followed in this order for each account.

  1. Inventory processing starts (All accounts are triggered to start processing after midnight of the local time set at the advertiser physical location)

a. Image classification is the final process of the inventory processing

  1. Processing of templates - Once Inventory processing is complete the Adwords Process Starts

a. The first step is to download the existing campaigns from the Google Account associated to the advertiser

b. Auto Templates - creates/updates ad groups, keywords and ad copy based upon the data that was just collected and the applied filters set on the template. This step includes verifying what is currently within the campaign and changes are made as necessary.

c. Prebuild - no action during this process (All campaign content is self-managed inside Google)

  1. Inventory Checker - The final url is scraped and inventory must be found on the landing page or we will pause the ad group. We check for inventory but also look for redirects, content such as: no exact match was found, sorry no results found, etc.

  1. Once the final url is confirmed and all active ad groups are identified, the process of collecting ad customizers is started

Feature Values

Auto Templates:

  • Don’t have to update libraries (New Ad Groups are added without the user having to create and download template updates)

  • Auto Template allows multiple attribute filtering options. This allows you to filter inventory using attributes such as price, condition or mileage.

  • Ad Copy, Keyword and Template Structure changes are pushed directly through the Google API vs having to update downloading and uploading changes via Google Ads Editor.

  • These additional attributes can be used to segment ad groups and can be included in ad copy and keywords. (Best Practice: We always recommend aligning ad groups and ad copy segments together. In other words if you want to use trim in the ad copy you should also create the ad group using the trim placeholder [trim])

  • Auto templates allow the creation of vin level ad groups that serve to the VDP

  • Hoot internal attributes can be used in lieu of setting up ad customizers (Limited availability, please work with the support team to confirm use cases)

Prebuild Templates:

  • Appropriate solution if client likes to make many manual changes and adjustments inside Google Ads

  • Allows for content A/B testing more easily

  • Can be used for static campaign creation

  • Can create custom libraries for unique inventory


Pre Built Templates:

  • Limited Attribute Filtering restricted to (make,model and trim)

  • Continuous updates required for year and new model lineup changes

  • Cannot support VDP campaigns

Auto Templates:

  • Ad Copy, Keywords must be controlled at the template level

Use Case Examples:

Auto Templates:

  • Recommended for all Used Car Campaigns

  • Strategies targeting cars that meet a targeted strategy. For Example:

  • Cars Under $xx,xxx

  • Used Trucks [Vehicle Type]

  • New Car Campaigns Filtering By Count of Inventory

  • Can be used for general strategy

  • Can be used to segment bid strategies

  • VDP Ad Group Strategy

Pre-Build Campaign

  • Recommended for New Cars When:

  • Client creates custom ad copy by new car model

  • Client utilized template for campaign creation only

  • Remove IM_Include Label

  • This makes the campaign non dynamic and showroom focused

  • Unique Inventory

Auto Template Best Practices:

  • Ad Group Segmentation must match Ad Copy strategy, for example:

  • Make|Model - Ad Copy should not contain other vehicle segments meaning ad copy should not contain [year] or [trim]

  • Using additional attributes will cause campaigns to exceed ad limits as we build an ad variant by segmentation.

  • The system will find all matching years associated with the ad group and build an individual ad.

  • Final URL Should align with Ad group segmentation if using year in ad group, use year in the final URI structure

  • Be careful with count and price system attributes, clients often misuse these and they cause ad copy content issues.

Pre-Build Template Best Practices:

  • Ad Group Segmentation must match Ad Copy strategy, for example:

  • Make|Model - Ad Copy should not contain other vehicle segments meaning ad copy should not contain [year] or [trim]

  • Using additional attributes will cause campaigns to exceed ad limits as we build an ad variant by segmentation.

  • If for example you select 2015-2020, then create make|model ad groups but you use [year] in the ad copy we will build an ad for each for mustang by year. This is no longer possible with Google as they now limit responsive ads to three.

  • Utilize the {Make} filter for New Cars. This helps keep the campaign smaller pending what type of cars are on the lot.

  • Year Range:

  • If you want {Year} for ad group segmentation or keywords, you’ll need to select the range. If not, this may be left blank as it is not associated with the inventory directly.

  • Final URL Should align with Ad group segmentation if using year in ad group, use year in the final URI structure

Suggested Onboarding/Training Evaluation Questions:

  • How much/often do you customize Ad Copy?

  • Do you create ad copy by model?

  • Example: Do you have different ad copy for New Camry vs Corolla?

  • Do you have campaigns for low inventory circumstances where a Model Count filter would be necessary?

  • Do you have Custom Used Campaigns that Target Segments of inventory like cars under x, or used trucks?

  • How active are you in Adwords/Editor?

  • If a new vehicle hit the market do you want to manually add it to your campaigns or do you expect it to automatically update?

  • Does your team make a lot of keyword/ad copy changes inside Google or other Campaign Management Tool? Example: Kenshoo, Marin…..