Setting up Data Feed Rules Including FB Page ID Written Guide With Tutorial Video

Setting up Data Feed Rules Including FB Page ID Written Guide With Tutorial Video


When setting up and importing your feed to Business/Commerce Manager in Facebook, you may encounter the following error for Invalid FBID. Please note, this is common occurrence and not indicative of a feed issue on the Hoot Side. For next steps to resolve this type of error, you will want to setup a rule to apply to the feed.

  1. First go to Settings within the Data Sources Feed you are trying to modify. (If you have multiple feeds within a Catalog set, you will want to physically click into the feed itself you want to modify to get to this particular menu section).

  2. Click on the Settings Tab.

3. Navigate to Data feed rules section

4. Click on + Add Rule Button

5. Open Drop down menu to Set Default Values

6. Within the Field tab, scroll down or search for fb_page_id

7. Within the Default value field, enter in the corresponding ID into that field.

8. Once the ID is entered, click on the Create button and Apply the Rule.


9. Following this process, navigate to the Schedules section and click on the Request Update Now button

From here, the rule should be applied to your feed and will resolve the FB Page ID rejections originally flagged.

If you need further assistance, you can watch our Walkthrough Video Guide here: https://youtu.be/Pav5rZ_UrzQ (Video) or review the FB Help Guide here:

How to apply product data rules in your catalog in Commerce Manager | Meta Business Help Center (facebook.com)

If you have additional questions following these steps, you can reach out to our Client Services team at support@hootinteractive.com