Creating Dynamic Video Ads (1.0)
Creating a professional dynamic video ad with HootVid takes only a few minutes from start to finish. By utilizing our vast template library and customization options, you will never need to use After Effects or any complicated video editing software.
Step 1: Template Selection
Create a new ad by either navigating to your “Video Ads” tab within an advertiser or selecting the templates page. From here, utilize our filtering options to find the right template for your ad.
Step 2: Ad Settings/Set up
Once your template has been selected, proceed through the initial setup.
Give your ad a name
Within “Ad Settings” Input your ad URL
Enable the ad toggle if you are ready for this ad to generate a VAST tag upon saving
Choose if you want to utilize a data source and select the source
Some templates types require a data source
Step 3: Ad Content
Once the preliminary ad settings are completed, users can proceed to add scene content to the template. This “In-Edit Preview” will serve as a quick reference point for text, dynamic data, videos, colors, and images as you build your ads.
This preview is not a 1 to 1 reference of your final render. To decrease load times, many effects and transitions will not appear in the preview window.
Let’s get started
1. Click “Scene Content”
2. Choose the scene you would like to work on
3. On the right side of the “In-Edit Preview” window, users will see template-specific scene content fields
Don't have your own video background? Hoot has a library of a few extended license stock textures that are available for free use! Choose “Use Library” to explore the ever expanding list.
When a user is finished editing, there are two options to proceed:
Save - The user is saving the current state of the video ad, but not ready to process a render and generate a VAST tag.
Save & Render - The user is ready to trigger a render right now, either generating a VAST tag or pushing changes to the video ad associated with the existing tag.
Once a render has been started, the render status bar will appear on the video ad card for your new video ad. This will alert you once the ad is ready to preview, or if there are any errors along the way. The average render time for our templates is 5-10 minutes.