Ad Feature Activation & Deactivation Scheduling (1.0)

Ad Feature Activation & Deactivation Scheduling (1.0)

Deactivation & Scheduling Deactivation

Video Ads

HootVID is strictly a dynamic video solution, so once your account is registered, there is no need to activate or deactivate Dynamic Video. The deactivation of ads is done at the ad level by toggle.

  1. Navigate to your advertiser’s Video Ads page. Select Edit for the desired ad.

  2. Under the Ads Settings panel, there is a toggle that can deactivate the ad. Select Save to confirm.


  • Ads can be deactivated and reactivated whenever you’d like.

  • If reactivating a previously deactivated ad, select Save and Render, so any new data from changes in the data source can be reflected in the ad.

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In order to deactivate your advertiser, navigate to the Settings panel for the respective advertiser. There, you will be able to set your deactivation date as well as toggle off the Active switch.

Deactivating your advertiser will disable all ads associated with the respective advertiser as well as interrupt billing for the advertiser.


Activation & Scheduling Activation

Users can schedule the activation of their advertisers and ads.

Advertiser Scheduling

The activation date can be set while adding the advertiser, or edited afterwards by navigating to the Settings panel for the respective advertiser.

Here, you are able to toggle your advertiser to active, set a future activation date, as well as a deactivation date (not required).

Ad Scheduling

The activation of your ad can be set during your initial setup, or edited afterwards.

Here, you are also able to toggle your ad to active or set a future activation date.



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