Hoot Monitor | Feature and Advertiser Deactivation

Hoot Monitor | Feature and Advertiser Deactivation

Clients are responsible for the deactivation of their client advertiser accounts and the features associated to them. Billing events are automated around these actions and should be understood by all clients. There is an automated 3-day grace period built into the system for on/off boarding processes. These are calendar grace periods so weekend days are included and this cannot be overwritten.

To stop billing for an advertiser or a feature clients must manually deactivate or use the calendar and schedule the end date for the desired action. All products and clients are deactivated at 11:59 UTC and the date applied to the action provided.

Deactivate an Advertiser

To deactivate an advertiser navigate to the advertiser settings page and change the status by sliding the status bar to the left.

This will turn grey and simply hit “Save Changes”. This will deactivate this advertiser and “All” associated features for this account at midnight UTC of the day you deactivated the account.

Please note it is best practice to deactivate advertisers if they are not in use with active features as it will hide them from the main client dashboard.

Setting End Dates

Alternatively you can schedule advertisers to turn off on a particular day of the week/month. Simply navigate to the Advertiser Settings page and set the end date. Once selected simply select “Save Changes” and the advertiser will turn off at 11:59 UTC of the date selected.


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