Prebuild Templates

Prebuild Templates

Prebuild Templates source data from a vehicle library. Make, model, and trim values from the selected library are dynamically inserted into the user-created templates to build out campaign structure based on the segmentation choices made within the campaign structure.

Video Guide For Prebuild Campaign Builder Basics.

Prebuild Template Breakdown

Template Information


Template Name

Template organizational naming within Hoot, does not effect campaign structure.

Account ID

The AdWords Customer ID for the dealer account the template is associated with. This field will be automatically populated when the dealer is selected.


The city and state of the dealership.

Vehicles Library

Allows users to select which Vehicles Library will be used when building out the template.

Make Filter

The Make Filter allows a user to filter the entire template’s [make] variable by only selected the selected makes.

Year Range

Specifies a range of years that will be applied if the template uses the [year] variable. Users must insert a starting and ending year if utilizing the [year] variable.


Campaign Name

Dictates the name and structure at the campaign level for the template. If a variable is included in the campaign name, the campaign builder will create a campaign segmentation for every value contained in the make/model/trim library for that variable.

Campaign Name

Dictates the name and structure at the campaign level for the template. If a variable is included in the campaign name, the campaign builder will create a campaign segmentation for every value contained in the make/model/trim library for that variable.

Campaign Status

Default status of created campaigns. Hoot only reviews active campaigns, so a status of active is recommended by default.


Campaign daily budget cap.


Eligible networks.

Enhanced CPC

Enable or disable enhanced CPC.

Bid Modifier

Campaign level mobile bid adjustment.

Ad Rotation

Ad rotation selection.

Negative Keywords Lists Selection

Select from Pre-built negative keywords lists dropdown.



Field Name


Ad Group Name

Dictates the name and structure at the Ad Group level for the template. If a variable is included in the Ad Group name, the campaign builder will create an Ad Group segmentation for every value contained in the make/model/trim library for that variable.

Ad Group Status

Default status of created ad groups. Hoot only reviews at the Ad Group level, so Ad Groups should be set to paused by default to allow Hoot to enable/pause them based on site inventory.

Max CPC Bid

Default ad group bid.

Final URL

Final URLs dictate the SRP landing page structure that will be reviewed to determine inventory. Utilize the CMS Guide to help build yours.


Campaign Builder supports Expanded Text Ads, Responsive Search Ads, and Call Only Ads. Any combination of the 3 can be utilized when building out the campaign by clicking the blue plus and choosing your ad types. To make multiple ads, simply click the blue plus again to select another ad/ad type.

Within each of the ad types you will have standard ad creation options. Within your headlines, descriptions, and paths you are able to utilize the [make][model][trim][year] variables as well as your ad customizers if you have those configured. To avoid exceeding character limits with variables, use the “Show/Hide Alternate Fields“ button at the bottom of each ad. This gives you the option of providing an alternate that will be defaulted to if the character limit is exceeded when the campaign is built out.


The Keyword section is your chance to ad bulk keywords across Ad Groups utilizing the [make][model][trim][year] variables. Broad, Phrase, and Exact keywords are supported via the drop down. The blue and green buttons to import/export bulk keyword lists can be found in the top right of the section.

Importing Campaigns To Adwords

Clicking on the Download Campaign icon to the right of the chosen template will allow you to export the “built out“ bulk sheet to your local machine. This download will be a .csv matching the template name.

To import your downloaded bulk sheet into Adwords, you will have to use Google Ads Editor. Navigate to your selected Ads account within Editor and select the Account dropdown > Import > From file. Select the .csv file you downloaded from Hoot to begin importing the built out campaign.

Your campaign will be imported into Editor, ready for further revisions before posting into your AdWords account.


Campaign Review

Once your campaigns are uploaded into Adwords, Hoot automatically appends the “Im_Include“ label to your campaigns created within campaign builder. This label identifies which active campaigns Hoot should review for inventory on a nightly basis.