Dynamic Video: Product Impression Report

Dynamic Video: Product Impression Report

The Video Impression report is currently available to our clients utilizing programmatic delivery for their video campaigns. The report is simple to retrieve and can be run on the account level or by individual ad version.

To Access Report

Navigate to the advertiser’s video ads page. Once on the page, you will see the “Report” icon. Select the icon and it will open the report modal

Selecting Report Criteria

The user has two options:

Run a report at the Advertiser level – This will include performance data for all active ad versions within the advertiser.

Run a report for a specific ad version – Alternatively, the user can select a single ad version report.

Once the report mode has been selected a user can customize the file name or leave the default value in Report Name.

The default file name format is {today’s date_ad version_VideoReport_Date Range.xls}

Defining Date Ranges

The user has 5 options for date ranges. There are 4 preset report ranges and then an option to select a custom range. 

Please note data is collected up to yesterday, so no report will include “today’s” data.

If for some reason the date range you’ve select contains no performance data the report will close with an error message that states “There is no data that matches the selected criteria”

Sample Report:

Video: Product Impression Report Video