Indexing Requests

Indexing Requests

In order for clients to utilize website indexing for their ads in HootVid, they will first need to request the feed from us and then add it as a data source. There is a special form in our support portal for clients to submit for this request. However, and as with all issues, it can come via a general support request as well.

If the client needs assistance submitting a website indexing request, they can be directed to our help guide: https://hootinteractive.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQBYEw

Fulfilling Indexing Requests

  1. Navigate to Hoot Monitor. All indexing requests will be added in the HootVid Agency advertiser.

  2. Add the advertiser using the information provided in the initial request.

    1. For the responsible user, ONLY select Hoot Vid (hootvid198@gmail.com)

    2. Toggle Dynamic Display Feeds on. This is the only feature that will be activated.

The naming convention for these advertisers is as follows:

Account | Advertiser Name | Advertiser ID

  1. Notify the client that their indexing request has been submitted and there is generally a 24hr turnaround. There will be a canned response for this.

  2. Once the configuration is completed, create a custom feed with the following criteria, and copy the link to provide to the client. They will use this link when adding the data source.

    1. Ensure the Feed Type is set to Default and Feed Format is set to Internal

There is no standard naming convention for this feed, other than marking it as “HootVid” in some way or some variation, so we can easily know which feed is being utilized in that platform.

Adding A Data Source

Unless the client is under a managed service agreement, it is their responsibility to add data sources. They can be directed to that respective guide. If adding a data source for a managed service client, the same guide can serve as a resource for our CSR team: https://hootinteractive.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYDlEg


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