Video 2024-20 - May 22nd

Video 2024-20 - May 22nd


Demo Adv Ordering - To increase visual clarity, the demo advertisers are now marked with a “Demo” tag and will by default be locked to the top of the advertiser list.

Keep in mind that demo advertisers are non billable and will not allow users to generate a VAST tag or preview link. Users may transfer ads from the demo advertisers into an active advertiser to start utilizing their tags.

Color Palettes - To streamline ad creation, we have added color palettes to the advertiser library. Users may now pre load all of their advertiser's RGB and HEX codes to their library so that they can be quickly utilized when creating new ads.

To add a color palette to the advertiser library:

  1. Navigate to the Advertiser Library and select Add Asset.

  2. Select Color from the Asset Type drop down and then input your HEX, RGB, or select a custom color.

  3. When creating an ad, select Use Library to see all of the previously stored color palettes.


Wizard 2.0 - Hootvid’s core ad creation functionality has received a major improvement to upload speeds, file management, and code stability behind the scenes. Users may notice minor changes to the appearance of the video editor panel. This update is the foundation for many features we have in the works that we are excited to share with everyone in the near future.
