2021-04 Release Notes
Release date 1/27/2021
Release Summary
This release focused on some operational efficiencies hoping to reduce time and friction with the onboarding of new clients and activation of new features. These are some small changes but we feel very impactful at the same time.
Call Only Ads: Add Additional Fields
We have updated the Call only ads section to include the alternate headlines for the Headline 1 & 2 fields in the ads.
A secondary update coming soon is the ability to identify the conversion action within the account so a user can associate the call only ads to the appropriate action.
Default Pre-Build Campaign Templates
To improve new client onboarding we have introduced 3 default search templates a new client can utilize for pre-built campaigns. The intent is to provide an initial outline and ads a client can utilize to get their campaigns up and running while they learn the Hoot Interface and the flexibility to make their own changes. These are meant to be building blocks to get the client started.stomized changes. We do want to note that these templates aren’t meant to replace the clients strategy or be taken as our recommended strategy.
These templates are:
New Vehicles By Year
Used Make Model
Used Year Make Model
The Element Included and changed in each are:
Template Name
Campaign Name
Ad Group Name and segmentation
Associated Ads
Associated keywords
To locate the templates a user will navigate to the Pre-Build Search template form and select the applicable templates.
To locate the templates a user will navigate to the Pre-Build Search template form and select the applicable templates.
We hope the inclusion of these templates and the continued use of the training section of the platform users will find the onboarding process is much easier to follow.
Facebook Automated Authentications
To reduce the time needed to configure Video campaigns when connecting them to Facebook, we have enabled an authentication process that can be done directly in the Hoot Interface. This reduces the time needed to gain page and ad account access.
Now the user can select the option to “Configure Accounts” inside the video templates page and the user will be prompted to enter the ad account and page id from there the user can authenticate the access by logging in using their facebook credentials.
User must have access to both the ad account and page id to complete the authentication.
Facebook Automated Authentications
To reduce the time needed to configure Video campaigns when connecting them to Facebook, we have enabled an authentication process that can be done directly in the Hoot Interface. This reduces the time needed to gain page and ad account access.
Now the user can select the option to “Configure Accounts” inside the video templates page and the user will be prompted to enter the ad account and page id from there the user can authenticate the access by logging in using their facebook credentials.
Once completed the status will change from red to green.
Tasks & Small Bugs
3790: EPIC: Add historical data for Video product
3804: [Frontend] Video Ads migration to the API
3834: [Backend] Video Templates API migration
3835: Send Video Templates email
3766: Feed view: Update table headers behavior
3809: Search Template Error: Request would exceed the number of allowed resources in an adgroup
3815: Add backend table with Advertisers related to a CMS
3833: Client Custom Reports