2020-50 Release Notes

2020-50 Release Notes

Release Date: 12/9/2020

Deployment Overview

In this release we continue to make enhancements to the vehicles library allowing for bulk upload of custom inventories, creating the ability to automatically send client monthly billing details, and additional enhancement to the video and search templates.

Release Details

Inventory Libraries: Bulk Upload Enhancements

With the new library enhancements we had to temporarily remove the bulk upload feature previously supported. We are now able to bring the feature back ensuring the duplication of vehicles is restricted and improving use-ability. This enhancement follows our commitment to improvement efficiencies within the application. This now completes the feature enhancements with the supporting globally subscribed libraries.

Allow Ad Version Duplication

Many clients have asked for the ability to duplicate video ad versions making only small adjustments. We are happy to now have the ability to support this request. When cloning or copying an aversion it simply copies the source ad version and opens the ad version edit window allowing the user to immediately make the needed adjustments and save for quick processing.

Auto-emailing of Billing Report

There were two functions of this request. The first is the ability to assign specific users to receive monthly account details. When creating or editing a user an admin can now assign the persons that need to see monthly billing details to improve visibility and availability of the billing information. These are not invoices but this allows the user to see the details behind the invoice amounts. 

The second part of this feature was to allow these invoices to be triggered automatically each month. THis has also been completed and once a Hoot admin triggers the invoices to be sent any user selected to receive clients billing details will receive the breakdown. These details have always been available but in many cases our clients accounting team either does not have access or never access the Hoot Application. This allows them to receive the details without having to login once a month to retrieve them.

Search: Template Bulk Keyword Upload

Clients often ask for us to upload large keyword files on their behalf when creating new templates. We are happy to say clients no longer need to make that request as there is now the ability for the end user  to complete these tasks inside the search templates. This means clients are no longer dependent on us to create templates that contain many keywords. Keywords can be added as new keywords or add to an existing set of keywords when needed.

Minor Bugs and Tasks

Below are general fixes during the sprint release

3775 Search Templates: Add A Cancel Button When Editing or Creating New Template
3768 Adapt AutoTemplate summary email to new GoogleAds error management
3765 Add another attribute to Video templates view
3761 Vehicle Libraries: Save Button Not Functioning
3756 Migration to new GoogleAds API library
3754 Marketplace Feed Format: Adding Support for Trim
3743 Implement attributes by default to match website data
3737 Ad-Version: Add more validations in creation.
3716 Feature to allow Ad Version Duplication
3714 Do not suppress records with no price values in auto template feeds
3703 [Backend] Add support for Monthly minimum for incentives
3694 Auto-emailing of billing report
3633 Migrate Campaign Builder libraries
3165 Search: Template Bulk Keyword Upload