HootVid Alerts & Notifications

HootVid Alerts & Notifications

HootVid alerts users within the platform as well as via email for critical errors. Users will also receive notifications when a scheduled ad deactivation date is approaching in the next 3 days.

Adjusting Alert Notifications

Users may adjust their notifications settings (per user) by navigating to Settings > User Management > Notifications

Error Alerts: All kinds of errors across all the application but mostly rendering errors

Warning Alerts: Non-critical errors

Deactivation Alerts: Notification sent 3 days before a Video Ad or Advertiser is deactivated

Only Own Action Alerts: Only alerts from your own actions (E.g. Being the last editor of a Video Ad)

Alerts Panel

Users can also view a historical log of their alerts via the Alerts Panel. Navigate to Settings > Alerts.

Historic Video Previews

Users are able to view ad-specific errors in their Historic Video Preview as well. These previews become available after your ad renders for the first time, and will log the status of all future renders/errors.

If your error alert does not provide an explanation or resolution steps, please reach out to support.