
The feed format is needed to run Dynamic Ads on AutoWeb

Dealer ID

Dealer Identification Number this is the Advertiser ID from the Hoot system


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Dealer Stock

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Dealer Stock Number if indexed

Destination URL

Link to VDP (vehicle detail page) or To PDP (Product Description Page)

Vehicle Status

Condition of the vehicle. Classifications include: new, used, and certified.

Image URLs

Picture taken off the VDP/ PDP that represents vehicle/ product


Year of Manufacture (ex. 2022)


Product Manufacturer


Product Model Identifier


Versions of the product model


The number listed from the vehicle odometer this includes the unit of measure (ex. 28 miles)


The indexed selling price of the product/vehicle. If multiple prices are available the lowest price is assigned.

Exterior Color

Color of the outside of the vehicle or product (Hoot’s image classification AI will try to normalize the color assignments. For example if the vehicle is called “Brilliant Red” from the OEM, Our AI will identify it as “Red”

Number of Doors

Number of Doors on vehicle


Vehicle transmission classification (Manual/ Automatic)