This is the feed needed to use within the Simplifi Platform. This is a general use feed. If you need one specific to Real Estate please see the “Simplifi Homes” format.
id | Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) |
title | Condition of the Product, Year, Make, Model and trim |
price | The indexed selling price of the product/vehicle. If multiple prices are available the lowest price is assigned. |
link | Link to VDP (vehicle detail page) or to PDP (Product Description Page) |
image_link | Picture taken off the VDP/ PDP that represents vehicle/ product |
condition | Condition of the vehicle. Classifications include: new, used and cpo |
description | Condition of the Product, Year, Make, Model |
availability | This shows if your vehicle / product is in or out of stock |
brand | Product Manufacturer |
color | Color of the outside of the Vehicle (Hoot’s image classification AI will try to normalize the color assignments. For example if the vehicle is called “Brilliant Red” from the OEM, Our AI will identify it as “Red” |
Simplifi allows the addition of 5 custom attributes or called custom label. These are identified as the following attributes:
Hoot can assign specific attributes to one of these columns to better help segment vehicle or product segments