Microsoft - Bing AIA

Microsoft - Bing AIA

The feed format is needed to run Dynamic Ads on Bing AIA


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)


Vehicle transmission (Manual/ Automatic)


Condition of the Product, Year, Make, Model and trim

Mileage Value

Number of mileage on vehicle odometer


Picture taken off the VDP/ PDP that represents vehicle/ product


This shows if your vehicle / product is in or out of stock


This identifies the drivetrain of the vehicle. They are classified as RWD, AWD, FWD and 4WD

State of Vehicle

Condition of the vehicle. Classifications include: new, used and cpo


Condition of the Product, Year, Make, Model

Fuel Type

Type of fuel vehicle uses (ex. GASOLINE)


Product Model Identifier

Image URLs

Picture taken off the VDP/ PDP that represents vehicle/ product

Final URL

Link to VDP (vehicle detail page) or To PDP (Product Description Page)


The indexed selling price of the product/vehicle. If multiple prices are available the lowest price is assigned.

Exterior Color

Color of the outside of the Vehicle (Hoot’s image classification AI will try to normalize the color assignments. For example if the vehicle is called “Brilliant Red” from the OEM, Our AI will identify it as “Red”


Product Manufacturer

Vehicle Id

The Manufacturers Vehicle Identification Number.


Location to the dealership or location to purchase product


City to the dealership or location to purchase product


Country of dealership (ex. USA)

Dealer Name

Name of Dealership or Store Front


The angular distance of the dealerships/ location of product north or south


The angular distance of the dealerships/ location of product East or West

Mileage Unit

The Unit of measurement to measure Mileage (MI [Miles])


State of dealership (ex. FL)

Zip Code

Zip Code of dealership

Target Campaign

The Name of the campaign the feed is to be targeted to. This is a required field so the feeds ar associated correctly.

Target Ad group

The name of the Ad Group the feed is to be targeted to. Optional field.

Phone Number

Dealer phone number